2007 Martha Washington 2007 Abigail Adams 2007 Jeffersons liberty 2007 Dolley Madison 2008 Elizabeth Monroe. 2008 Louisa Adams 2008 Jackson liberty 2008 Van Burens Liberty 2009 Anna Harrison 2009 Sarah Polk 2009 Margaret Taylor. 2009 Letitia Tyler 2009 Julia Tyler 2010 Abigail Fillmore 2010 Jane Pierce 2010 Buchanans Liberty 2010 Mary Lincoln. 2011 Eliza Johnson 2011 Juliet Grant 2011 Lucy Hayes 2011 Lucretia Garfield 2012 Alice Paul 2012 Frances Cleveland term 1. 2012 Caroline Harrison 2012 Frances Cleveland term 2 2013 Ida McKinley 2013 Edith Roosevelt 2013 Helen Taft 2013 Ellen Wilson. 2014 Florence Harding 2014 Grace Coolidge 2014 Lu Hoover 2014 Eleanor Roosevelt 2015 Bess Truman 2015 Mamie Eisenhower. 2015 Jacqueline Kennedy 2015 Lady Bird Johnson 2016 Patricia Nixon 2016 Betty Ford 2016 Nancy Reagan. WE HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SINCE 1992. AND TO BUILD A LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIP. To Insure You Receive Your Package Safely. We Only Use Premium Packing Materials. We Will Always Disclose Any Issues There May Be with an Item, We will Never Mislead You Just to Make a Sale. Our Repeat Customers Mean the World to Us Because it Means That We Have Earned Your Trust.